Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Into the depths of fear...

We may call it India's 9/11, war on Mumbai or 26/11 or by any other name..the truth remains that it is the most heart-breaking event that this country has witnessed in a long time. The attacks were not just in the Taj or the Trident or the Nariman house, it was on the collective pshyche of this country and its people. I was not in Mumbai when it happened, I haven't been to the TAJ or Oberoi where the attacks happened, but I feel as affected as I would feel if it were to happen in my own house. The scale of devastation is unbearable, almost unreal. Being glued to the TV for 3 continuous days, not sleeping at nights, checking every single news item in the internet has invaded my heart so much that my nightmares are filled with fire, bullets, corpses ..a collage of survivor's stories. How can things be ever normal again? Ever? Can we just go back to our lives and even for a second imagine things would be just fine?

We have gotten so used to a kidnapping here, a murder there, some riots somewhere and yeah, a bomblast out there- scenario that nothing seemed to affect us any longer. We refused to change our routine for these. Well.. we thought, why let the terror affect us and let the terrorists win? Now, things are different ! if things have come to a state where there is no guarantee of returning home safe after a dinner or movie, then surely it is TIME TO ACT??? How long can we blame others, evade responsibility and expect to be taken care of? Who will take care of us? IF we can move out of our parent's shadow get ourselves a job and support ourselves then why are we not independent when it comes to the country. Why the blame game? why the pointing of fingers? When are WE going to do something?

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Religion? Cast(e) Away...

My thoughts on Religion

Religion is a personal decision, an individual's path to connect with god.

Here's what I believe to be my religion...
I believe in the concept of one power to whom I pray. Name of the power is not important to me. Rather, its impossible for me to differentiate one 'God' from another. This could be mainly because I believe in faith rather than a concept of God. Many would say its one and the same and I'm indifferent to the idea of it being same or different. I also strongly believe that every individual has a right to practice a religion of his or her own choice. Also, that no other person should in any way influence that individual's decision.

I accept all faiths with all fairness and equality and do not believe any religion is better or worse than any other. In fact, my thoughts are that if you believe in god, then there is god & if you do not believe that there is god, then that is true as well. We have been given sufficient intelligence to decide for ourselves what is good for us, without imposing it on others. Preaching about a religion is acceptable if it gives facts, views and values of the religion but if its meant to degrade other faiths, then I do not favour such preaching.
As for conversions, I have nothing against them, conversion is an individual's choice. Sometimes its unfortunate that a individual is born into a faith, he does not find satisfaction in, so its upto the individual to choose a way in life, his or her religion. Its the collective mentality that I fail to understand in religions, if you are born into a certain religion then you must follow it all your life. Isn't this stand quite unfortunate? What about an individual's right to choose? It does help me that my feelings are not biased based on religion
or I would be worrying about my religion disappearing! Then I would fall into the trap of extremist thoughts and would end up doing acts that can lead me to be termed a fanatic..
Some say, we must practice tolerance of all religions, Its not tolerance that I practice, I practice open- hearted

My thoughts on Caste...

Much as I say this, I do have a grouse, the caste/creed distinction that are a part of many religions. Under the umbrella of a common God (since atheists are not part of this distinction!), the intolerance breeding is what makes it intolerable for me. What is caste? Like religion, something that you are born into, Unlike religion, one cannot embrace the caste that suits you best. You are burdened with the unwanted customs and practices that you have no interest in following. You may or may not follow the customs of the caste, but you are still forced to fill in the caste in any important document. Much as you may have abandoned caste, it haunts you all life. Why cant a human being
be accepted for what he or she has become as against what his or her ancestor practiced centuries earlier? Sometimes I find the most compassionate of people fall into the trappings of caste based distinctions. All individuals have the right to choose the way to live, so why not let them be? This society would be a much better place if rid of outrageously backward ideas such as caste

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fear Factor

Just after lunch on a really stressful day at work, I catch sight of a notice put up for movie tickets for the weekend. Hmmm, the movie did have some great reviews- may be I should see it this weekend? Then suddenly, out of the blue, some images flash through my mind - the ones they flash in the news after blasts. I am shocked! No, not by the images but by the very thought that my mind, unknowingly connected the acts - the entertainment (if its a good movie that is.:) of watching a movie and the complete heartbreak of a bomb blast. I dismissed the momentary thought and decided not to cow in to such thoughts and decided to go ahead with my plan (if I take enough time off to purchase the tickets that is..)

Its Real..
The impact is real and it exists and fear is slowly seeping into our collective psyche. I may not have gone into hiding completely or avoided going out, but still the thought creeps into my mind means somethings are just not the same as earlier! Subtle things bother you, like a fire drill in the office- its a mandatory exercise, happens more often than the monsoons, yet, yet - did I hear a mention of the possible bomb threat? Simple things like bags being checked at cinemas for more than just eatables, the constant presence of the law enforcers wherever you look. Things really seem to be changing. Am not sure if this is any good. I'd rather go back to being carefree and live life happily..well, not that I am not - but something is amiss - however small, that little piece (peace!!!) of mind!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Memories that make me smile..

My first ever memory, of sitting on top of a table
that was dinner time with my parents...

My dad buying me bangles of all colour
Taking me for long walks along the lanes

The way my mother always hugs me when i need it,
she seems to know when i need one more than i do.

Playing with my grandmother's silver hair..

Climbing trees to pluck mangoes from them..

Sliding down hills while playing catch n catch

Running like the wind across the fields..

Playing with mud, leaves and sand ...

Spending the night listening to stories..

Listening to my favorite song...

Watching the most romantic scene in a movie
I have seen atleast a 100 times..

Reading my favourite book and re-reading it..
again n again...

Meeting my favourite friend..

The days spent enjoying more than studying...

Those days spent in class with pranks being played all around
The games we played, the jokes we shared

The few precious moments spent with loved ones

Those are the memories i love

Those are the memories that make me smile...

Friday, August 08, 2008

Big B, the Khans and me..!

I love reading blogs, it gives me insights into what people think (at least the ones who write!)..Its interesting innovative, sometime routine but there is never a dull moment.. Thats what is so cool about celebrity blogging. Just as i know fellow blogger ramtaz(just a figment of my imagination), I know my Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan or Salman Khan (or whoever else is blogging!) Well, even my Suchitra. Some of these blogs give me rare insight into a world that i have no access to (not sure whether I want the access - but whatever!). The workings of the mind of an artist is definitely worth a KNOW! Just like I know about the flu of the MBA student(blogger!!)from Singapore, I know about the German measels of Aishwarya (Rai Bachchan).
Wonder what leads celebs to blog? Its not like they really need more fame? They already have that..May be for some more? Naah - how much more famous can Big B or the Khans get? So what is it that drives them to write, what causes them to open up the lives that they were guarding with the spirit of a genie guarding a treasure? Not fame not more attention, nor more money..I would like to believe its a basic human desire to be heard..to let people know their side of the story. Sure they give interviews, interact with the media - but how much of their voice actually comes across, is questionable, So they choose the best option they have. As much as their personal lives are under constant scrutiny, its better you say it than have people say that you messed up. Again, am not so sure how many of the blogging celebs are being entirely honest (ok,not even entirely but majorly honest?)..lets assume a good percent are actually human and with their failures and short comings they are baring their souls to the world. Then the fans (of the human variety) and readers (who read all type) have a whale of a time reading the stories, the lives, the poems, the funny stuff, the media bashing..et all. Well something that's struck me though is that no matter how good an ordinary blogger is its not easy to develop a readership for your blogs, but not so if you are a celeb. You can, as a celeb, write the worst piece ever in your blog and get atleast a few hundred (if not more! ) people who claim to have loved it. Well, cant blame the celeb can you? They have done what they can, now if you thought the worthless bit was a classic, thats not really their fault. Also if not through the writing they have earned the right to be read by being good at something else. So, cant really get jealous of them either. So what is it that I do? Get vary (of them invading what was once our space- no not really!), then what? hmmm,,,Instead of getting jealous -I just chose to get inspired (no, no - not anything else!) to write my blog that I had neglected for a while. If they with their intensely hectic lives can blog as frequently then surely I can do it too..!