Saturday, September 06, 2008

Memories that make me smile..

My first ever memory, of sitting on top of a table
that was dinner time with my parents...

My dad buying me bangles of all colour
Taking me for long walks along the lanes

The way my mother always hugs me when i need it,
she seems to know when i need one more than i do.

Playing with my grandmother's silver hair..

Climbing trees to pluck mangoes from them..

Sliding down hills while playing catch n catch

Running like the wind across the fields..

Playing with mud, leaves and sand ...

Spending the night listening to stories..

Listening to my favorite song...

Watching the most romantic scene in a movie
I have seen atleast a 100 times..

Reading my favourite book and re-reading it..
again n again...

Meeting my favourite friend..

The days spent enjoying more than studying...

Those days spent in class with pranks being played all around
The games we played, the jokes we shared

The few precious moments spent with loved ones

Those are the memories i love

Those are the memories that make me smile...

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