Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Desperately Seeking - Integrity In Individuals!

I'm not going to start with a dictionary definition of integrity as is the pattern when writing about such topics. The reason is simple, if we need a dictionary to define the word integrity, then clearly the purpose of the post is served.

The other day I re-read one of my favourite books, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. The thing about the book is that people often dispute the ideology of the book and the author. Fair enough, there is no need for every individual to follow a philosophy, leave alone one that is quite contrary to the accepted ideologies and principles of the world. However, it would be unfair to dismiss every aspect of the book. There are qualities defined such as integrity, original thinking that surely need to be given importance. No?

I'm not talking about taking a moral high ground and behave like an orthodox person unyielding to the obvious and necessary changes the world has seen. The need of the hour is to think broadly and more importantly on your on, not to fall for the high drama that the current social media is all about. There is also an absolute necessity to avoid any influence on your thoughts once you have decided on the path that you chose for yourself. That is all the integrity I seek.

When you set a goal in life, its easy to sway, you either work towards it and fail or give up midway. Often you feel tempted to take the shortcut to success, pay a simple bribe at first or compromise on your morals once in a while. Its simple enough you think, I wouldn't repeat it once I reach my goal. However, before you know it compromises are routine and later you convince yourself (rather well too) that it is unavoidable. Later it becomes a part of life.

This is when you realise (if ever you stop to think at such a juncture) that you have lost your integrity.

To walk a path where you hold on to your ideals, unbending and unyielding will be difficult, life will not be easy, but you find that end of the day your conscience is clear, the fruits of your hard work seem so much sweeter and far more valued.

My lament is where are such people now? Every person in the public eye has a proverbial albatross around his or her neck, big or small, skeletons either out of their cupboards or waiting to tumble out. Its a sad state of affairs where role models do not exist and my only hope to provide an example is to resort to a fictional character like Howard Roark.

Where are the Howard Roarks of our times?

1 comment:

Ana Mughal said...

Integrity most of the people can't keep it intact for long than they justify our actions and deeds the way I did,still there are few somewhere in the world keeping it intact without getting influenced by ANYthing in their way but they are not necessarily famous like the heroes of past!